Dr. Jürgen Juchheim DETOX*
REGULAR PRICE: €339.60; saving: €69.90 For the implementation of the DR. JUCHHEIM DETOX* nutrition program the following is recommended: DETOX* Flyer with nutrition plan and DETOX* Diary as well as the book "The Dr. Juchheim Diet" - GERMAN + 7 nutritional supplements to supply vitamins and minerals. *The term "DETOX" refers only to the nutritional program and not to the dietary supplements.
SKU: 2069
275,20 € / 1kg

Dr. Juchheim DETOX* nutrition program
The perfect support for your body: High-quality herbal ingredients and scientifically based formulas help you to optimally support your metabolism and experience a new sense of well-being.
Your benefits at a glance:
✔ Supports your metabolism - step by step to your goal
✔ Natural ingredients for a good gut feeling
✔ Developed to sustainably promote your well-being
Do something good for yourself - start today and feel the difference!
The food supplements support the detox nutrition program: supply of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, lactic acid bacteria to support weight loss and weight control.
Only while stocks last!
Our day-to-day multi-vitamin-mineral complex contains natural vitamins and minerals from extracts of fruits, vegetables, herbs and sango coral.
The biological value of soy protein is 85 and is almost the same as that of cow's milk. Soy also provides other important nutrients.
Foods with excessive amounts of easily digestible carbohydrates such as sweets, bread, or pasta can disrupt the intestinal flora.
1 can contains 60 capsules. This is enough for 30 days.
2 capsules per day is the recommended dosage.
1 can contains 60 capsules. This is sufficient for 30 days.
2 capsules per day is the recommended dosage.
Sprache: Deutsch
Die Dr. Juchheim Diät ist keine neue Crash-Diät. Ganz im Gegenteil - Sie sollen sich die Teller vollschaufeln mit Nahrungsmitteln, die reich an bioaktiven Pflanzenstoffen sind. Spezielle, natürliche Nahrungsergänzungsmittel unterstützen Sie auf Ihrem Weg zur Traum- und Wohlfühlfigur - ohne Kalorienzählen und Hungern.
Die Dr. Juchheim Diät basiert auf den neuen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen der Molekular- und Mikrobiologie.
- Aktivierung der Fettverbrennungsenzyme (Sirtuine).
- Ausschaltung des körpereigenen Energiesparprogramms und Jo-Jo-Effektes.
- Stärkung der Muskulatur und Steigerung der Fettverbrennung.
- Korrektur der Darmflora mit schlank machenden Bakterien.
Die Dr. Juchheim Diät ist für alle, die mit falschen,
kalorienreduzierten Diäten bisher gescheitert sind.
1 can contains 60 capsules. This is enough for 1 month.
2 capsules per day is the recommended dose.
The Sbiotic capsules contain inulin and lactic acid cultures, in particular Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.
Lactic acid bacteria naturally colonize the oral cavity, intestines and vagina in humans. Lactic acid bacteria are demanding in terms of their nutritional requirements for vitamins and amino acids.
The lactic acid bacteria contained in the Sbiotic capsules are characterized by special properties.
1 can contains 60 capsules. This is enough for 10 days.
3x2 capsules per day is the recommended dose.
SlimPur* capsules contain high-quality konjac powder in combination with bitter orange bioflavonoids and L-carnitine.
*Glucomannan contributes to weight loss as part of a low-calorie diet. The positive effect is achieved with a daily intake of 3 g glucomannan in three portions of 1 g each in combination with 1-2 glasses of water before meals.
The konjac glucomannan binds water in the stomach and swells, so that a feeling of fullness can occur more quickly. This means that smaller portions are automatically eaten.
The bitter orange extract contains high-quality bioflavonoids with special properties.
L-carnitine is a vitamin-like substance and consists of the two amino acids lysine and methionine.
Sojaprotein ist reich an Eiweiß. Sojaprotein hat ein hervorragendes Aminosäureprofil.
1 can contains 60 capsules. This is enough for 2 months.
1 capsule per day is the recommended dose.
The Sirtactive capsules contain extracts of grapefruit, organic matcha (green tea), green coffee, bitter orange and guarana.
The grapefruit extract is made from the crushed seeds and peel of grapefruits. The extract contains highly active bioflavonoids with special benefits and abilities.
Green tea extract contains up to 130 high-quality ingredients, including the all-important flavonoids. Matcha is a green tea that is shaded four weeks before harvesting to increase the concentration of chlorophyll and bioflavonoids in the tea leaves. This produces a dark green leaf from which the extract is obtained.
The bitter orange is a citrus plant with orange-like fruit, but bitter and smaller. The extract also contains bioflavonoids with special properties.
Guarana is a climbing plant that is native to the tropical rainforest. The special thing about guarana is the combination of caffeine with dietary fiber. This results in a sustained release of caffeine over several hours as long as it is metabolized in the intestine.
- Vitamin B1, B2, B3, 5, B6 and magnesium contribute to normal homocysteine metabolism.
- Vitamin B2 contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, the maintenance of normal skin and mucous membranes, the maintenance of normal vision, the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and the protection against oxidative stress.
- Vitamin C, zinc, selenium and vitamin B2 help protect cells from oxidative stress.
- Vitamin B1, B3, B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin C and magnesium contribute to normal mental function.
- Vitamin B6, folic acid and vitamin B12 contribute to normal homocysteine metabolism.
- Vitamin C and zinc contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
- Calcium and magnesium contribute to normal function of the nervous system, muscle function, maintenance of normal bones and teeth.
Before each meal, add 2x 1 measuring cup (30 g) to 250 ml water and stir or shake in a shaker. Then enjoy.
SlimPur*** Kapseln Konjakwurzelpulver (Amorphophallus konja, enthält 95 % Glucomannan), Überzugsmittel: Hydroxpropylmethylcellulose (pflanzliche Kapselhülle), Reisstärke (Oryzal), Bitterorangen-fruchtextrakt 3:1 (Citrus aurantium, enthält 10 % Bioflavonoide), L-Carnitin-L-Tartrat.

Back in control...
I am so grateful to have got my life back under control with these supplements. Of course, I have also found other favorites here for my appearance. Thank you Dr. Juchheim!
Angela Volz

Is there anything better?
All the products are amazing; there is nothing better for me. Especially the nutritional supplements - a real hit. Thank you Dr. Juchheim
Regine Richter